<![CDATA[ANANDA DHARMA CENTER - Dharma Blog]]>Sun, 26 Jan 2025 21:51:38 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Meditation is ...]]>Sat, 21 Apr 2018 22:55:20 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/meditation-isMeditation is the one and only answer to all the questions we have about existence, for which we have no answers.

Meditation is a sophisticated inner technology, which can transport us from loneliness to an experience of wholeness and connectedness with all of phenomena, an experience that is both within and beyond time and space.

Meditation is a blissful inner journey from past and future, to present; from unknown to known; from slave to master; from somebody to nobody; from nobody to everybody; from sleep to dream; and from dream to full awakening.

Meditation is the beautiful process of melting and dissolving the hard, heavy, rigid part of life, making life as gentle, light, and flexible as water.

Meditation is the beautiful and powerful practice of improving the quality of our life by developing the innate infinite potential of our mind, a potential of purity, clarity, stability, tranquility, intelligence, creativity, loving kindness, and bliss.

Meditation is an inner science leading us in searching, finding, and abiding in our ultimate nature of reality, realizing who we are, where we come from, and what we are moving towards.

by Geshe Gyalten Kungka
<![CDATA[HH the Dalai Lama Confirms the Identity of Choden Rinpoche's Reincarnation!]]>Thu, 11 Jan 2018 15:35:51 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/hh-the-dalai-lama-confirms-the-identity-of-choden-rinpoches-reincarnation]]><![CDATA[Enthronement of the 104th Gaden Tripa, H.E. Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche]]>Fri, 04 Aug 2017 01:38:08 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/enthronement-of-the-104th-gaden-tripa-he-lobsang-tenzin-rinpocheH.E. Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche is being  enthroned as the 104th Gaden Tripa!  The Gaden Tripa is the supreme spiritual head of the Gelug tradition.  The enthronement and related special events will take place on August 4-5, 2017.  The events are available to view at gompaservices.com .  Please see the attached flyer for more information. 
<![CDATA[Happy Chokhor Duchen!]]>Thu, 27 Jul 2017 07:08:42 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/happy-chokhor-duchen
Happy Chokhor Duchen!
"He who speaks on the basis of seeing,
This makes him a knower and teacher unexcelled,
I bow to you, O Conqueror,
You who saw Dependent Origination and taught it."
~ Lama Tsongkhapa, In Praise of Dependent Origination
Chokhor Duchen is one of the four main Buddhist holidays, and this year it falls on July 27, 2017.  Chokhor Duchen is the day Buddha gave his first teaching after attaining enlightenment.  The event is seen as turning the wheel of dharma, specifically the first turning of the wheel of dharma.  The Buddha taught many vast and profound teachings -- all intended for transforming our minds.  In the case of this first turning the dharma wheel, Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths, based upon the realities of life.  He encouraged people to accept the realities, rather than running away from practicalities.
Although we cannot presently see and hear teachings directly from our compassionate and skilled teacher, Buddha Shakyamuni, his message and teachings remain tremendously relevant in these turbulent times.  The occasion of Chokhor Duchen allows us to remember his kindness and appreciate his having shown the path of eternal truth.  Of his numerous enlightened activities, his enlightened speech is supreme, because it is through these teachings that he can help fulfill the temporal and lasting happiness of sentient beings.
Chokhor Duchen is considered by some a karma multiplying day, so it is a good day to engage in virtuous activities.  One of the best ways to celebrate the event is by listening, reading, contemplating, or meditating upon some of Buddha’s core teachings, as well as making offerings and reciting prayers.  By dedicating our virtuous activities for full enlightenment, we can create infinite merit and make this holiday most meaningful. 
by Ven. Tsondue

<![CDATA[Notes from Dagri Rinpoche's Talk & Teaching]]>Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:18:45 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/notes-from-dagri-rinpoches-talk-teachingPicture
Dagri Rinpoche, whose line of recognized reincarnations dates back to the Buddha Shakyamuni and who today is considered one of the highest ranking Masters within the Gelug hierarchy, gave a very interesting talk and teaching at Ananda on July 2, 2017. 

He spoke about the first time he met Choden Rinpoche in this life.  Choden Rinpoche was a devoted student of the previous incarnation of Dagri Rinpoche.  When the present Dagri Rinpoche went to visit Choden Rinpoche for the first time in this life, Choden Rinpoche was overjoyed, offered prostrations and offered his seat to the new incarnation of Dagri Rinpoche – and then Dagri Rinpoche requested teachings from Choden Rinpoche!

Dagri Rinpoche also expressed his great respect and admiration for HH the Dalai Lama – making a striking implication that had the Dalai Lama not escaped from Tibet, Tibetan Buddhism might have been completely destroyed.  The Dalai Lama’s escape, and the life he has led since, is what preserved the complete Budhha Dharma for the world.

Dagri Rinpoche briefly discussed the Shugden issue.  He explained how many high lamas had previously propitiated the spirit Shugden, including Choden Rinpoche.  However, when the Dalai Lama advised everyone to stop this practice, Choden Rinpoche completely stopped the practice, and the Dalai Lama praised him for doing so.

Rinpoche reminded us how difficult it is to obtain a Geshe degree and as students we should respect and honor our Geshes and maintain harmony in the spiritual community.  Rinpoche then gave what seemed like a surprisingly detailed teaching, given the limited time, about the Eight Verses of Mind Transformation. 

<![CDATA[Shantideva's Message]]>Tue, 27 Jun 2017 11:37:34 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/shantidevas-message
Shantideva's Message
Shantideva Rinpoche, who was recognized by the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of Shantideva, gave a wonderful teaching and transmission on June 25, 2017 at Ananda.  He is funny and sharp witted, speaks excellent English, and delighted everyone.  He spoke about the challenges and privilege of having been privately tutored by Choden Rinpoche nearly every day of his childhood.  They were recognized as having a father-son like connection. 

He spoke about the importance of being committed to cultivating our good qualities, over the course of years and decades.  He spoke about how it is the duty of the student to create the causes and conditions to find an unmistaken reincarnation of their Guru, specifically that the students of Choden Rinpoche must recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri as requested by the Dalai Lama.

And Rinpoche spoke perhaps most eloquently about Geshe Gyalten Kungka.  Rinpoche gave heartfelt praise and thanks to Geshe Gyalten for having devoted his life to Choden Rinpoche.  Shantideva explained at length how Choden Rinpoche had received countless invitations from all over the world, but for years he refused to leave Sera Jey Monastery.  Geshe Gyalten was the only person for whom Choden Rinpoche would agree to travel – if Geshela himself made the request. 

It is, therefore, only through the kindness of Geshe Gyalten, that any of us who met Choden Rinpoche outside India, were able to receive such a profound blessing in this life.  Every teaching, transmission, initiation, and ordination, which Choden Rinpoche bestowed here in California, and elsewhere around the world, only came about, because of the kindness of Geshe Gyalten.  That was Shantideva’s closing message to us.  And, yes, he promised to come back again to Ananda someday.


<![CDATA[Message from the Dalai Lama & Geshe Gyalten: Choden Rinpoche Reincarnated!]]>Mon, 26 Jun 2017 22:35:54 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/message-from-the-dalai-lama-geshe-gyalten-choden-rinpoche-reincarnated
To all the friends, students, devotees, and well wishers of H.E. Choden Rinpoche around the world, Geshe Gyalten would like to share the wonderful news regarding the reincarnation of our precious guru, H.E. Choden Rinpoche.
This past June 15th, Geshe Gyalten had the great fortune and honor to have a private meeting with H.H. the Dalai Lama in San Diego. The Dalai Lama confirmed to Geshela that our most precious guru, H.E. Choden Rinpoche, has reincarnated. The Dalai Lama also believes that the new reincarnation of H.E. Choden Rinpoche is extremely auspicious and powerful.  
His Holiness kindly advised Geshe Gyalten to instruct all of Rinpoche’s students to recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri in order to create the causes and conditions for the successful identification of Rinpoche’s unmistaken reincarnation. His Holiness explained that he engaged in this practice himself, in order to recognize the reincarnations of his two late tutors.
Therefore, Geshe Gyalten kindly requests that all students, devotees, well wishers, monasteries, temples and Awaking Vajra Dharma Centers around the world recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri as much possible in order to help recognize the unmistaken reincarnation of our precious Guru, Choden Rinpoche. It is also very beneficial to recite Rinpoche’s name mantra and the Prayer for the Swift Return of His Eminence Choden Rinpoche, written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Rinpoche’s name mantra and downloadable copies of the prayers to recite are below.

Geshela will give the oral transmission of Rinpoche's Name Mantra and Chanting the Names of Manjushri, Wednesday, June 28, at 7pm.  This is the only opportunity for the transmission before Geshela leaves on a teaching tour for several months.  You can recite on your own without the transmission, but the transmission is a great blessing, as Geshela himself received it from Rinpoche.  We will recite the prayers as a community most Sunday afternoons, starting July 9, 2017.
Choden Rinpoche’s Name Mantra

Prayer for the Swift Return of H.E. Choden Rinpoche.pdf
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Chanting the Names of Manjushri.pdf
File Size: 116 kb
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<![CDATA[THE RITUAL FOR ILLUMINATING THE PROFOUND BENEFITS OF BATHING IN CRYSTAL MIRROR]]>Tue, 06 Jun 2017 17:22:16 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/the-ritual-for-illuminating-the-profound-benefits-of-bathing-in-crystal-mirror
A commentary on a Sutra regarding making offerings, such as offering bathing water, to stupas and Buddha’s image, by Ven. Gyalten Tsondue
The essential way of describing the Buddhist path is in terms of the threefold category of view, meditation and activity.  View refers to cultivating a right understanding of both the conventional and ultimate levels of truth.  Meditation indicates the process of familiarizing one's mind with the object of the meditation, which in Buddhism is frequently a positive state of mind.  Activity is part of the method side of the training - to refrain from negative activities, purify negative karma, accumulate merit, and benefit others.  Ritual occupies a significant place on the method side as a part of Buddhist training, particularly in terms of purification.
The purification of negative karma with the help of rituals is heavily dependent upon how heavy our past negative karma is in the first place.  Two different people, suffering the same problem, each carry a different karmic gravity, and the same ritual performed by both of them can have different results for each of them.
Yet, regardless of previous karmic gravity, the result of performing purification rituals is certainly positive and beneficial.  A ritual puja can serve on many different levels to help us.  It can help you to collect a great deal of merit, which will allow you to be able to solve many problems for yourself, in the most beneficial way.  It could even be that rituals help to create positive karma for you to find the right situations, people, and resources to assist you in overcoming any particular problem you are facing.  It could also lead to you connect with the right and genuine spiritual master.
Trusol, in Tibetan, is a sacred ritual of ‘bathing’ the Buddha and other holy images.  Various forms of this rite are practiced in most Buddhist countries.  Tibetans generally practice it in reliance upon procedures and liturgies coming directly from classical Buddhist India.
It should be pointed out that the practice is undertaken with the understanding that these ‘objects’ are transcendental beings, and they, therefore, have no impurities to be washed away.  Nonetheless, in ancient India bathing was considered to be a pleasant source of enjoyment, and, thus, to offer a bath was regarded as auspicious.  The impurities to be cleansed then are associated with the practitioner performing the rites, not the transcendental beings.
In the spiritual sense, dirt and impurities refer to the inner defilements, and to the negative karmic residues collected through body, speech and mind.  Hence, they are inner afflictions and impurities, and these cannot be removed by water or other elements.  This is a basic Buddhist thought and understanding.  In important Buddhist commentaries on logic, non-Buddhist belief systems come under severe criticism for their belief in the efficacy of physical bathing in holy rivers and the like to purify inner defilements.  In Buddhism, inner purification is accomplished by the cultivation of inner meritorious energy.  Thus, the merit accumulated by engaging in the sacred bath offering to the Buddha image or other holy objects is the force which purifies the practitioner of his or her inner impurities.
A Bathing Ritual can be done at new premises to clear out negative energies or beings.  It should be done at old premises also to bless the environment and all objects within.  It is a great way to purify a premise with a gentle and simple method.
Some of the benefits of performing the ritual are as follows:
  1. Wealth and happiness, good health and longevity
  2. All wishes (with the right motivation) are fulfilled
  3. Peace and harmony for family, relatives, friends, country and world
  4. Never to face the Eight Obstacles of learning the Dharma
  5. No sickness or suffering
  6. Achieve Enlightenment
For the ritual to be a karmic cause of purification and accumulation of merit, it is important that it be performed with the correct motivation.  When Bathing the Buddha, one should:
  1. Have faith and be joyful in the merit of bathing the Buddha.  In pouring the fragrant water, we are also cleansing our own minds.
  2. Have sincerity.  We should believe that the Buddha is actually present in front of us and we have cultivated the premiere merit in the world.  We should dedicate this merit to all sentient beings to enhance their wisdom and to create a close bond with the Buddha.
  3. Be righteous by wishing to be rid of our karmic obstructions and purify our minds.  We should also pray for peace and happiness for all humanity.
In the sutra, Buddha said:
After my passing away,
you will be able to honor my relics.
Some will build stupas
or images of the Tathagata.
At the place of the image or stupa,
one who anoints that spot of ground
with various incenses and flowers,
scattering them over its surface
uses pure, beautifully scented water
to pour onto the body of this image,
offers it various flavorful drinks and foods,
fully maintaining it with oblations,
eulogizes the virtue of the Tathagata,
which is endlessly difficult to conceive;
through the wisdom of skillful means
and the supernatural power of the Buddha
such a one will quickly reach the other shore of Nirvana.
He will obtain the diamond body
complete with the thirty-two marks of a great person
and the eighty minor signs of excellence.
He will ferry the multitude of living beings
to the shore of Nirvana.

<![CDATA[Geshe Gyalten, Awakening the Buddha Within]]>Tue, 30 May 2017 22:45:55 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/may-30th-2017Picture

“Last night I had a beautiful dream of Guru Buddha making an inspirational statement:
'You are the master of your destiny. You are the creator of your fate. You are the possessor of your Buddha.'  I woke up, contemplated the statement, and my understanding of the rules of causality (karma) is that --  We are not waiting for things to happen; rather, we are going to make things happen.  We are neither waiting for nor chasing after the Buddha, but awakening the Buddha within.”  

~ Geshe Gyalten Kungka

<![CDATA[Geshe Gyalten on Guru Devotion]]>Sat, 29 Apr 2017 21:08:24 GMThttps://anandadharmacenter.org/dharma-blog/geshe-gyalten-on-guru-devotionPicture

"One simple, yet immensely profound, thing I have learned in my spiritual life is that devotion is the mother, which gives birth to and enhances all qualities of life in general, and, in particular, devotion directed toward my immovable Guru is the source of unsurpassable strength and inexhaustible joy."

~Geshe Gyalten Kungka
