Welcome!Ananda Dharma Center is a Tibetan Buddhist Center, teaching and practicing the Buddha Dharma. Our programs explore how the universal wisdom and compassion of the ancient Buddhist tradition can transform our own lives, as well as bring practical benefit to the world. The center is located in the beautiful San Jose hills, in the San Francisco Bay Area near Silicon Valley. We invite all spiritual seekers to join us.
Special Event
Gyalten Khen Rinpoche's Commentary
Je Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga and Introduction to Mahamudra
March 15 & 16
at Ananda Dharma Center
Thank you to everyone who came to last Sunday’s Great Medicine Buddha Festival with Gyalten Khen Rinpoche. It was an amazing event, attended by many Geshes, Monks and community members. Thanks to all of you for making the festival such a success!