Choden Rinpoche - now Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche
updates about the Yangtze (reincarnation)
Choden Rinpoche's reincarnation was born May 21, 2016. The Dalai Lama has officially confirmed the identity of the Yangzte (reincarnation) Choden Rinpoche and given him a new name for this life - Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche.
We will do our best to keep you updated on all news related to Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche, as we receive it.
We will do our best to keep you updated on all news related to Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche, as we receive it.
Rinpoche returned home.
February 2018
H.E. Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche returned to his parents' home, where he also lives with his two sisters. He is now accompanied by Geshe Namdol, a former attendant to H.E. Choden Rinpoche. He is doing very well.
Rinpoche's name mantra is the same.
January 27, 2018
Geshe Ngawang Dakpa confirmed, even though Rinpoche received a new name for this life, if we recite Rinpoche's name mantra, we should continue to recite the same mantra. (Sometimes this mantra is taught with "vajra" pronounced as "benza." It's the same mantra. Either pronunciation is ok.)
Choden Rinpoche's Name Mantra:
First Long Life Puga offered to Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche
January 21, 2018
Thank you to everyone who donated to Yangtze Choden Rinpoche's (now Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche's) long life puja in Bodhaya, held January 21, 2018! It was a terrific event. Geshela was also very pleased and grateful for so many contributions. Thank you!
Here is a description of the event from Awakening Vajra:
As the culmination of Rinpoche‘s activities here in Bodh Gāya, 1,800 monks, nuns, and lay devotees of Rinpoche’s gathered with great enthusiasm in the local branch of Drepung Loseling monastery’s temple to witness, and participate in, Rinpoche’s first public ceremony since His Holiness the Dalai Lama had performed the hair-cutting ceremony in a select circle of innermost disciples.
In order to pray for Rinpoche’s long life, and the flourishing of His activities, luminaries—such as the ex-abbott of Gyüto and Gyümé tantric colleges—many Rinpoches including Chökor Rinpoche, Shabdrung Rinpoche and Shāntideva Rinpoche, as well as lay and ordained students who had served and followed Rinpoche for decades, joined to carry out a ceremony that took on an extremely joyful, dignified, and touching character.
Geshe Gyalten held a touching and personal address in Tibetan, English and Chinese, wherein he mentioned that this occasion had been marked by 3 auspicious factors that fortuitously conjoined to create a very special constellation: the location of Bodh Gāya as the place where Lord Buddha had achieved enlightenment, the time of the presence of an incredible gathering of holy beings—first and foremost, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and many other masters) and thirdly the occasion itself being a celebration of Rinpoche’s long life and a prayer for the full flourishing of His activities. Geshe la mentioned that the search for Rinpoche went very smoothly, with each member of the search party “thinking as one, speaking as one, and acting as one”. The members of the search party, including those who had come from Rinpoche’s previous birthplace, Rongpo Rabten in Kham, were acknowledged, Rinpoche’s parents were respectfully thanked, as were the many devoted students who had continuously put their trust in Rinpoche and had diligently been offering their prayers.
Many of our individual encounters with Rinpoche that evening were marked and auspicious occurrences. While Geshe Gyalten witnessed Rinpoche displaying the mūdra of inviting the three Jewels by means of turning the incense in a circular fashion three times, Sengge and Jigdrel were present when Rinpoche’s sight skipped the present that was directly being offered to Him, instead turning towards an item blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama the night before, stretching out His arm and demanding to touch that very present with great fervor, not being satisfied until that had been achieved. Gyalten Déchen spoke of Rinpoche’s ringing the bell that was offered to him with great abandon, while moving the Dorje emphatically, almost as if it were a second bell.
While on one hand, Rinpoche longed for the support and proximity of His family and Ladrang monks throughout the ceremony, who gave affection, reassurance, and possibly one or the other sweet in between, for the greatest part of the event Rinpoche sat unfazed with remarkable equanimity and dignity. Not to strain our 18 month old, precious and cherished teacher, the Lama Chöpa recitation Tsog was recited in a somewhat speedy fashion. Towards the end of the offering process, where all students lined up to present their individual gifts, Rinpoche became a little tired and left the ceremony together with his parents, who had been naturally harmonizing with the students and attendants of Rinpoche’s previous incarnation. Rinpoche’s two elder sisters greatly enjoyed the procedure, the sweets and the attention playing hide and seek and sharing jokes and games with the monks and students.
Although the ceremony was carried out in a slightly abbreviated fashion, owing to Rinpoche’s young age, the amount of people, to whom Rinpoche means so much was symbolically underlined by the fact that after the puja had been concluded, the amount of Khata-s offered amounted to such an extensive, beautiful, mountain of silk, that the back of the throne could not been seen any longer if one stepped towards the throne.
Here is a description of the event from Awakening Vajra:
As the culmination of Rinpoche‘s activities here in Bodh Gāya, 1,800 monks, nuns, and lay devotees of Rinpoche’s gathered with great enthusiasm in the local branch of Drepung Loseling monastery’s temple to witness, and participate in, Rinpoche’s first public ceremony since His Holiness the Dalai Lama had performed the hair-cutting ceremony in a select circle of innermost disciples.
In order to pray for Rinpoche’s long life, and the flourishing of His activities, luminaries—such as the ex-abbott of Gyüto and Gyümé tantric colleges—many Rinpoches including Chökor Rinpoche, Shabdrung Rinpoche and Shāntideva Rinpoche, as well as lay and ordained students who had served and followed Rinpoche for decades, joined to carry out a ceremony that took on an extremely joyful, dignified, and touching character.
Geshe Gyalten held a touching and personal address in Tibetan, English and Chinese, wherein he mentioned that this occasion had been marked by 3 auspicious factors that fortuitously conjoined to create a very special constellation: the location of Bodh Gāya as the place where Lord Buddha had achieved enlightenment, the time of the presence of an incredible gathering of holy beings—first and foremost, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and many other masters) and thirdly the occasion itself being a celebration of Rinpoche’s long life and a prayer for the full flourishing of His activities. Geshe la mentioned that the search for Rinpoche went very smoothly, with each member of the search party “thinking as one, speaking as one, and acting as one”. The members of the search party, including those who had come from Rinpoche’s previous birthplace, Rongpo Rabten in Kham, were acknowledged, Rinpoche’s parents were respectfully thanked, as were the many devoted students who had continuously put their trust in Rinpoche and had diligently been offering their prayers.
Many of our individual encounters with Rinpoche that evening were marked and auspicious occurrences. While Geshe Gyalten witnessed Rinpoche displaying the mūdra of inviting the three Jewels by means of turning the incense in a circular fashion three times, Sengge and Jigdrel were present when Rinpoche’s sight skipped the present that was directly being offered to Him, instead turning towards an item blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama the night before, stretching out His arm and demanding to touch that very present with great fervor, not being satisfied until that had been achieved. Gyalten Déchen spoke of Rinpoche’s ringing the bell that was offered to him with great abandon, while moving the Dorje emphatically, almost as if it were a second bell.
While on one hand, Rinpoche longed for the support and proximity of His family and Ladrang monks throughout the ceremony, who gave affection, reassurance, and possibly one or the other sweet in between, for the greatest part of the event Rinpoche sat unfazed with remarkable equanimity and dignity. Not to strain our 18 month old, precious and cherished teacher, the Lama Chöpa recitation Tsog was recited in a somewhat speedy fashion. Towards the end of the offering process, where all students lined up to present their individual gifts, Rinpoche became a little tired and left the ceremony together with his parents, who had been naturally harmonizing with the students and attendants of Rinpoche’s previous incarnation. Rinpoche’s two elder sisters greatly enjoyed the procedure, the sweets and the attention playing hide and seek and sharing jokes and games with the monks and students.
Although the ceremony was carried out in a slightly abbreviated fashion, owing to Rinpoche’s young age, the amount of people, to whom Rinpoche means so much was symbolically underlined by the fact that after the puja had been concluded, the amount of Khata-s offered amounted to such an extensive, beautiful, mountain of silk, that the back of the throne could not been seen any longer if one stepped towards the throne.
HH the Dalai Lama met and named Yangzte Rinpoche.
January 17, 2018
On January 17, 2018 His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with Yangtze Choden Rinpoche. The Dalai Lama blessed Rinpoche and gave him a new name for this life - Tenzin Gyalten Rinpoche. The Dalai Lama also conducted what's known in Tibetan as the taphue - or first hair cutting - offered to the Dalai Lama.
Description from Awakening Vajra:
We witnessed a very moving, touching, meaningful and portentous first time audience of His Eminence Chöden Rinpoche's reincarnation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. All the family members, the tenfold search party, as well as the Sera Jé video section camera man and also a professional photographer from Switzerland were present in the entourage of Chöden Yangsi Rinpoche. All of us were very much anticipating the upcoming encounter between His Holiness and our beloved master, Lama Chöden Rinpoche.
Yet whilst we were waiting for His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the audience room of His Holiness, a slight degree of general nervousness also became noticeable amongst the entourage, the reason being that, at this young age, Yangsi Rinpoche displays two types of temperament: one side is very much in line with the traits displayed by the previous Chöden Rinpoche, being very gentle, silent, collected, stable and firm. The other appearance that Rinpoche displays at times can be energetic, wild and unpredictable.
So that morning, whilst waiting for His Holiness, Yangsi Rinpoche seemed to be in a somewhat restless and rumbunctious temper, and we were all slightly concerned if Rinpoche was going to calm down before His Holiness entered—since a lack of receptivity would certainly have appeared somewhat inappropriate for this occasion. Yet when His Holiness finally entered the room and took his place on His divan, the young Rinpoche’s temperament changed instantaneously. Rinpoche became very respectfully silent and collected and did so all naturally by Himself—it was certainly not our previous efforts to entice him to unwind that had brought about the desired effect, but rather the recognition of His Holiness’ blessed presence. Amazingly, when we drew near to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the young Yangsi Rinpoche repeatedly started to chant the mantra “Oṃ”—this was witnessed clearly by all those present. The purpose of the meeting had been to perform the Hair-cutting ceremony, so a small tuft of hair on the back of Rinpoche’s head had not been shaved, so that it be formally cut by His Holiness the Dalai Lama as part of this special ceremony.
The attendant to His Holiness the Dalai Lama handed His Holiness the traditional, long, golden pair of scissors. At that time, we thought that the unwieldy and imposing implement was going to intimidate the young Yangsi Rinpoche, yet somehow Yangsi Rinpoche remained unmoved. Eventually, His Holiness proceeded to ask for a more appropriately-sized pair of scissors and proceeded to cut the young Yangsi Rinpoche’s hair. Since this was the first ceremonial hair cutting of Rinpoche’s as carried out by His Holiness, His Holiness gave Geshe Gyalten the Hair of young Yangsi Rinpoche to safeguard as a precious object to inspire faithful students in the future.
As corollary of the hair-cutting ceremony, Rinpoche was to be given a new name. For that purpose, His Holiness the Dalai Lama turned to Geshe Gyalten, inquiring as to the full version of the previous incarnation’s holy name, which Geshe Gyalten assiduously spelled out: “Losang Gyalten Jigdrel Wangchuk”. After a moment of rumination, His Holiness, declared that the young Rinpoche’s name was to be “Tenzin Gyalten”, “Tenzin” to accentuate the closeness of the bond between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Rinpoche’s reincarnation line, and “Gyalten” in deference to the established lineage name of Rinpoche’s previous incarnations.
What took us by surprise is that His Holiness the Dalai Lama then spontaneously initiated, from His side and without previous request, the oral transmission of the Mañjuśrī-mantra, which He transmitted three times to the young Tülku. Immediately afterwards, His Holiness asked Geshe Gyalten to remind the young Rinpoche of the Mantra and its purport, and to encourage its recitation.
We merrily regrouped and took a photo together with His Holiness, very much enlivened by the experience.
In retrospect, the entire meeting of Rinpoche’s family, entourage and close students with His Holiness felt truly meaningful and precious—it certainly was truly memorable. Without any hint of exaggeration, we feel that we witnessed a pivotal, historic event in the life of the young Lama and His lineage.
On the way back to the hotel, a very auspicious sign occurred, indicative of the depth, extent and success of Rinpoche’s liberating activities as they are to unfold in the future. As we encountered a local man carrying a flock of captive birds in dingy cages, Rinpoche seemed to take a heartfelt interest in the state and well-being of the animals. He stepped right up to the birds and proceeded to blow on roughly three dozen of them in turn, in the manner of blessing them. The party, deeply moved, saw to it that, upon payment of the release fee, all of them were finally released.
Description from Awakening Vajra:
We witnessed a very moving, touching, meaningful and portentous first time audience of His Eminence Chöden Rinpoche's reincarnation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. All the family members, the tenfold search party, as well as the Sera Jé video section camera man and also a professional photographer from Switzerland were present in the entourage of Chöden Yangsi Rinpoche. All of us were very much anticipating the upcoming encounter between His Holiness and our beloved master, Lama Chöden Rinpoche.
Yet whilst we were waiting for His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the audience room of His Holiness, a slight degree of general nervousness also became noticeable amongst the entourage, the reason being that, at this young age, Yangsi Rinpoche displays two types of temperament: one side is very much in line with the traits displayed by the previous Chöden Rinpoche, being very gentle, silent, collected, stable and firm. The other appearance that Rinpoche displays at times can be energetic, wild and unpredictable.
So that morning, whilst waiting for His Holiness, Yangsi Rinpoche seemed to be in a somewhat restless and rumbunctious temper, and we were all slightly concerned if Rinpoche was going to calm down before His Holiness entered—since a lack of receptivity would certainly have appeared somewhat inappropriate for this occasion. Yet when His Holiness finally entered the room and took his place on His divan, the young Rinpoche’s temperament changed instantaneously. Rinpoche became very respectfully silent and collected and did so all naturally by Himself—it was certainly not our previous efforts to entice him to unwind that had brought about the desired effect, but rather the recognition of His Holiness’ blessed presence. Amazingly, when we drew near to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the young Yangsi Rinpoche repeatedly started to chant the mantra “Oṃ”—this was witnessed clearly by all those present. The purpose of the meeting had been to perform the Hair-cutting ceremony, so a small tuft of hair on the back of Rinpoche’s head had not been shaved, so that it be formally cut by His Holiness the Dalai Lama as part of this special ceremony.
The attendant to His Holiness the Dalai Lama handed His Holiness the traditional, long, golden pair of scissors. At that time, we thought that the unwieldy and imposing implement was going to intimidate the young Yangsi Rinpoche, yet somehow Yangsi Rinpoche remained unmoved. Eventually, His Holiness proceeded to ask for a more appropriately-sized pair of scissors and proceeded to cut the young Yangsi Rinpoche’s hair. Since this was the first ceremonial hair cutting of Rinpoche’s as carried out by His Holiness, His Holiness gave Geshe Gyalten the Hair of young Yangsi Rinpoche to safeguard as a precious object to inspire faithful students in the future.
As corollary of the hair-cutting ceremony, Rinpoche was to be given a new name. For that purpose, His Holiness the Dalai Lama turned to Geshe Gyalten, inquiring as to the full version of the previous incarnation’s holy name, which Geshe Gyalten assiduously spelled out: “Losang Gyalten Jigdrel Wangchuk”. After a moment of rumination, His Holiness, declared that the young Rinpoche’s name was to be “Tenzin Gyalten”, “Tenzin” to accentuate the closeness of the bond between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Rinpoche’s reincarnation line, and “Gyalten” in deference to the established lineage name of Rinpoche’s previous incarnations.
What took us by surprise is that His Holiness the Dalai Lama then spontaneously initiated, from His side and without previous request, the oral transmission of the Mañjuśrī-mantra, which He transmitted three times to the young Tülku. Immediately afterwards, His Holiness asked Geshe Gyalten to remind the young Rinpoche of the Mantra and its purport, and to encourage its recitation.
We merrily regrouped and took a photo together with His Holiness, very much enlivened by the experience.
In retrospect, the entire meeting of Rinpoche’s family, entourage and close students with His Holiness felt truly meaningful and precious—it certainly was truly memorable. Without any hint of exaggeration, we feel that we witnessed a pivotal, historic event in the life of the young Lama and His lineage.
On the way back to the hotel, a very auspicious sign occurred, indicative of the depth, extent and success of Rinpoche’s liberating activities as they are to unfold in the future. As we encountered a local man carrying a flock of captive birds in dingy cages, Rinpoche seemed to take a heartfelt interest in the state and well-being of the animals. He stepped right up to the birds and proceeded to blow on roughly three dozen of them in turn, in the manner of blessing them. The party, deeply moved, saw to it that, upon payment of the release fee, all of them were finally released.
Invitation to the First Long Life Puja for Yangtze Choden Rinpoche
announced approx. January 16, 2018
We are very pleased to announce that the first long life Puja for His Eminence Yangtze Choden Rinpoche will be held in Bodhgaya, on January 21, 2018 at 6pm. The Puja will be held at Drepung Losel Ling Monastery, near the Kalachakra Ground, West Side No.4 Tanky Road.
We hope you can attend! If you are in Bodhgaya, this is an incredible opportunity to make a connection or deeper your ties with Rinpoche, while he is here, by making an offering and receiving a blessing from him personally.
If you are unable to attend, you can make an offering by donating thru either Awakening Vajra -or- Ananda Dharma Center's paypal link on our homepage, before January 21, with a comment that it's for Rinpoche's Long Life Puja. (For ADC, we'll send you a donation confirmation and tax receipt within 30 days.)
We hope you can attend! If you are in Bodhgaya, this is an incredible opportunity to make a connection or deeper your ties with Rinpoche, while he is here, by making an offering and receiving a blessing from him personally.
If you are unable to attend, you can make an offering by donating thru either Awakening Vajra -or- Ananda Dharma Center's paypal link on our homepage, before January 21, with a comment that it's for Rinpoche's Long Life Puja. (For ADC, we'll send you a donation confirmation and tax receipt within 30 days.)
Rinpoche is now in Bodhgaya!
January 13, 2018
Young Choden Rinpoche is now in Bodhgaya to meet HH the Dalai Lama there!
The Dalai Lama has just begun teachings in Bodhgaya, expected to last one month.
The Dalai Lama has just begun teachings in Bodhgaya, expected to last one month.
Initial Ceremonies Honoring the Young Choden Rinpoche
announced January 12, 2018
Geshe Gyalten Kungka writes from Orissa, India:
Dear friends and students of Rinpoches all over the world:
We trust that you have all been very happy with this most recent news, of the discovery of the young (Yangtze - Reincarnation) of H.E. Choden Rinpoche. The last two days have been the most incredible time, and we wanted to share with you some of the ceremonies that have taken places and for you to be part of these amazing events that have been occurring during this most auspicious of times here in Orissa.
We started on the 10th of January, with a visit to see Rinpoche, and with a wonderful and warm welcome from Rinpoche's family, at the Tibetan settlement in Orissa. This meeting was attended by the Sangha from Lhopa Kamsten Monastery and the Reincarnation Search Party. This was the first time Geshe Gyalten & Shantideva Rinpoche had met with the new Rinpoche, following the initial meeting with the Search Party, and following the reincarnation confirmation from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
The day began at 9:00am, with a private audience at Rinpoche's house. Geshe Gyalten and the Rinpoches from Sera Monastery met with the family and the young Rinpoche, and they offered to Rinpoche the mandala (body, speech and mind) of the Buddha. This was done by Geshe Gyalten, Shantideva Rinpoche, Shabdrung Rinpoche, Chongur Rinpoche, Geshe Namdol from Sera, and with attendance with some other close sangha and friends. It was wonderful to see the young Rinpoche, happy and playful, being so comfortable with so many new faces around.
The next day, for Rinpoche's official recognition, was the most Auspicious of days for three reasons. First, Orissa is one of the 24 holy places of Heruka. Second, this day was also a Dakini Day, which was very auspicious for celebrations. Third, this day was the new Yangtze Rinpoche's most auspicious day of the year, in his personal astrology. The day began with a private meeting in the morning, with the offering of the precious enlightenment robes. This is a traditional ceremony, where the young Yangtze Rinpoche is given the new Robes and the yellow (Bodhisattva) hat that you see depicted in the pictures below. This was preceded with the mandala offering and the handing of the official recognition letter from HHDL to Rinpoche's family and to Rinpoche himself.
Then the day's events unfolded with an incredible attendance and turnout, from around 500 members of the Tibetan community and local village. The public ceremony was lead by traditional dharma activities of chanting and a procession, with the young Rinpoche being lead (driven) to the main venue in the village, with motorbikes and flags, to the Sera Je Puja Temple in the local settlement village. The atmosphere was happy and fun with many of the local villagers serving food and drinks for all in attendance.
The ceremony began with a Khata offering to both HHDL's throne and a mandala offering to the new Yangzi Rinpoche on his throne. The Sera Monks chanted the 16 Arhat Prayer through this ceremony, while the mandala was offered. Then followed speeches by different members on the community. This was hosted and led by Shabdung Rinpoche, and it began with the life story of Rinpoche by Geshe Gyalten. There are many wonderful stories of Rinpoche's life, and we will share in more detail in a later post the miracles that surrounded his life and precious rebirth. This was then followed by a personal talk by the head of the Tibetan settlement. The morning speeches concluded with Chogyur Rinpoche, who shared what a great honor, privilege, and extensive merit there as for all in the community, with Choden Rinpoche choosing to be born here in this Tibetan settlement. Then the audience offered Khata to HHDL's throne, to Rinpoche, to Geshe Gyalten, and to Rinpoche's family.
This was incredible, with so many people there to offer Khata, there were around 500 members of the community turning out in attendance, with such a wonderful atmosphere. We then proceeded to the Village square, where all the community had a wonderful lunch, offered by Choden Labrang, attended again by the whole community. After which there followed wonderful entertainment, by all ages of the community. A happy and joyous coming together, by so many people, and so many ages. There was traditional Tibetan dancing, singing and dancing, and Opera. The young children's show was especially funny, and a delightful moment in the day when young Rinpoche came down and joined one of the singers, held hands and joined her for her song. This was a very special, and magical touch to end the most auspicious and wonderful of days.
This has been the most wonderful time, and we hope that this post and the photos help you feel also part of this occasion. There has been so much enjoyment and happiness at this most auspicious of times. Please now keep praying, and keep young Rinpoche in your hearts, and wish that he can be ready as soon as possible to come and teach again for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Much love from all the Sangha here, in Odissa, and may you all be well and happy.
Dear friends and students of Rinpoches all over the world:
We trust that you have all been very happy with this most recent news, of the discovery of the young (Yangtze - Reincarnation) of H.E. Choden Rinpoche. The last two days have been the most incredible time, and we wanted to share with you some of the ceremonies that have taken places and for you to be part of these amazing events that have been occurring during this most auspicious of times here in Orissa.
We started on the 10th of January, with a visit to see Rinpoche, and with a wonderful and warm welcome from Rinpoche's family, at the Tibetan settlement in Orissa. This meeting was attended by the Sangha from Lhopa Kamsten Monastery and the Reincarnation Search Party. This was the first time Geshe Gyalten & Shantideva Rinpoche had met with the new Rinpoche, following the initial meeting with the Search Party, and following the reincarnation confirmation from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
The day began at 9:00am, with a private audience at Rinpoche's house. Geshe Gyalten and the Rinpoches from Sera Monastery met with the family and the young Rinpoche, and they offered to Rinpoche the mandala (body, speech and mind) of the Buddha. This was done by Geshe Gyalten, Shantideva Rinpoche, Shabdrung Rinpoche, Chongur Rinpoche, Geshe Namdol from Sera, and with attendance with some other close sangha and friends. It was wonderful to see the young Rinpoche, happy and playful, being so comfortable with so many new faces around.
The next day, for Rinpoche's official recognition, was the most Auspicious of days for three reasons. First, Orissa is one of the 24 holy places of Heruka. Second, this day was also a Dakini Day, which was very auspicious for celebrations. Third, this day was the new Yangtze Rinpoche's most auspicious day of the year, in his personal astrology. The day began with a private meeting in the morning, with the offering of the precious enlightenment robes. This is a traditional ceremony, where the young Yangtze Rinpoche is given the new Robes and the yellow (Bodhisattva) hat that you see depicted in the pictures below. This was preceded with the mandala offering and the handing of the official recognition letter from HHDL to Rinpoche's family and to Rinpoche himself.
Then the day's events unfolded with an incredible attendance and turnout, from around 500 members of the Tibetan community and local village. The public ceremony was lead by traditional dharma activities of chanting and a procession, with the young Rinpoche being lead (driven) to the main venue in the village, with motorbikes and flags, to the Sera Je Puja Temple in the local settlement village. The atmosphere was happy and fun with many of the local villagers serving food and drinks for all in attendance.
The ceremony began with a Khata offering to both HHDL's throne and a mandala offering to the new Yangzi Rinpoche on his throne. The Sera Monks chanted the 16 Arhat Prayer through this ceremony, while the mandala was offered. Then followed speeches by different members on the community. This was hosted and led by Shabdung Rinpoche, and it began with the life story of Rinpoche by Geshe Gyalten. There are many wonderful stories of Rinpoche's life, and we will share in more detail in a later post the miracles that surrounded his life and precious rebirth. This was then followed by a personal talk by the head of the Tibetan settlement. The morning speeches concluded with Chogyur Rinpoche, who shared what a great honor, privilege, and extensive merit there as for all in the community, with Choden Rinpoche choosing to be born here in this Tibetan settlement. Then the audience offered Khata to HHDL's throne, to Rinpoche, to Geshe Gyalten, and to Rinpoche's family.
This was incredible, with so many people there to offer Khata, there were around 500 members of the community turning out in attendance, with such a wonderful atmosphere. We then proceeded to the Village square, where all the community had a wonderful lunch, offered by Choden Labrang, attended again by the whole community. After which there followed wonderful entertainment, by all ages of the community. A happy and joyous coming together, by so many people, and so many ages. There was traditional Tibetan dancing, singing and dancing, and Opera. The young children's show was especially funny, and a delightful moment in the day when young Rinpoche came down and joined one of the singers, held hands and joined her for her song. This was a very special, and magical touch to end the most auspicious and wonderful of days.
This has been the most wonderful time, and we hope that this post and the photos help you feel also part of this occasion. There has been so much enjoyment and happiness at this most auspicious of times. Please now keep praying, and keep young Rinpoche in your hearts, and wish that he can be ready as soon as possible to come and teach again for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Much love from all the Sangha here, in Odissa, and may you all be well and happy.
HH the Dalai Lama Confirms the Identity of the Reincarnation of Choden Rinpoche, announced January 11, 2018
HH the Dalai Lama Confirms that Choden Rinpoche's Reincarnation was born, announced approx. June 26, 2017

To all the friends, students, devotees, and well wishers of H.E. Choden Rinpoche around the world, Geshe Gyalten would like to share the wonderful news regarding the reincarnation of our precious guru, H.E. Choden Rinpoche.
This past June 15th, Geshe Gyalten had the great fortune and honor to have a private meeting with H.H. the Dalai Lama in San Diego. The Dalai Lama confirmed to Geshela that our most precious guru, H.E. Choden Rinpoche, has reincarnated. The Dalai Lama also believes that the new reincarnation of H.E. Choden Rinpoche is extremely auspicious and powerful.
His Holiness kindly advised Geshe Gyalten to instruct all of Rinpoche’s students to recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri in order to create the causes and conditions for the successful identification of Rinpoche’s unmistaken reincarnation. His Holiness explained that he engaged in this practice himself, in order to recognize the reincarnations of his two late tutors.
Therefore, Geshe Gyalten kindly requests that all students, devotees, well wishers, monasteries, temples and Awaking Vajra Dharma Centers around the world recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri as much possible in order to help recognize the unmistaken reincarnation of our precious Guru, Choden Rinpoche. It is also very beneficial to recite Rinpoche’s name mantra and the Prayer for the Swift Return of His Eminence Choden Rinpoche, written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Choden Rinpoche’s Name Mantra
This past June 15th, Geshe Gyalten had the great fortune and honor to have a private meeting with H.H. the Dalai Lama in San Diego. The Dalai Lama confirmed to Geshela that our most precious guru, H.E. Choden Rinpoche, has reincarnated. The Dalai Lama also believes that the new reincarnation of H.E. Choden Rinpoche is extremely auspicious and powerful.
His Holiness kindly advised Geshe Gyalten to instruct all of Rinpoche’s students to recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri in order to create the causes and conditions for the successful identification of Rinpoche’s unmistaken reincarnation. His Holiness explained that he engaged in this practice himself, in order to recognize the reincarnations of his two late tutors.
Therefore, Geshe Gyalten kindly requests that all students, devotees, well wishers, monasteries, temples and Awaking Vajra Dharma Centers around the world recite Chanting the Names of Manjushri as much possible in order to help recognize the unmistaken reincarnation of our precious Guru, Choden Rinpoche. It is also very beneficial to recite Rinpoche’s name mantra and the Prayer for the Swift Return of His Eminence Choden Rinpoche, written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Choden Rinpoche’s Name Mantra