Donations Through PayPal
Check or Bank Transfer for Large Donations
EBay Charities Program
Check or Bank Transfer for Large Donations
EBay Charities Program
Donations Through PayPal
Ananda Dharma Center is a 501(c)(3) religious nonprofit organization, and donations are tax deductible. We offer most of our events for free, and we appreciate your support immensely. PayPal also accepts most credit cards. If you are donating through PayPal, without having clicked on our link, you can find us by our email, Thank you!
Check or Bank Transfer for Large Donations
Please note, PayPal does take a percentage fee for each donation. This is normally small, but as the donation increases, so does the fee taken. If you are considering a large donation (large being relative to whatever you consider large, we are grateful for all donations), you may want to consider donating by check or contacting us for bank transfer information. This will ensure that 100% of your donation goes to the Center. Thank you!
EBay Charities Program
Ananda Dharma Center is one of the certified charities thru the EBay Charities Program and the PayPal Giving Fund. If you sell on EBay and want to donate a portion of your sales to charity, please consider adding Ananda as one of your charities by clicking on the "Add to my Charities" button at this link:
Thank you!
Thank you!